Image Review

This picture has a resolution of 390 x 414

1) Below here add the image again but stretched horizontally

2)Below here add the image again but stretched vertically

3)Below here add the image again but shrink it by any amount but make sure to mantain the Aspect Ratio (shape)

4)Below here add the image again but stretch it by any amount but make sure to mantain the Aspect Ratio (shape)

Using Links (New Stuff)

This Link should work properly

Click here to visit

1)Below here add a link which goes to

NBA Webiste

2)Below here add a link which goes to

NLA Website

3)Below here add a link which goes to

Mlssoccer Website

4)Add any other link

Track & Field Wesbite

Using Images as Links (New Stuff)

If you click on this image it should go to
MLB logo

1) Make the NBA logo (already uploaded) an active link to

NBA logo

2) Add any image and make it an active link
USAVolleyball logo